National Planning Policy Framework

Government sets the rules within which local councils can agree local plans.

Government sets the rules within which local councils can agree local plans.

In more detail

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is the government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied by local planning authorities (your local city, borough or district council).

The Local Development Framework agreed by your local council must fit in with the NPPF.  That includes any local plans produced through neighbourhood planning which become part of the Local Planning Framework for your area.

The NPPF replaced the suite of documents called Planning Policy Statements (PPS) and Planning Policy Guidance Notes (PPG) in March 2012.  It is 65 pages long and there is also a 27 page long technical note attached to it.  (The PPGs it replaced were, in total, thousands of pages long).



Key Facts:

The National Planning Policy Framework is the slimmed-down set of policies agreed by government. The Local Planning Frameowrks agreed by councils (including neighbourhood plans) must fit within the NPPF and not contradict it.

Page Links from here

Read the National Planning Policy Framework

Download the technical guidance note (which downloads the note as a PDF file)

Search the government's planning policy directory for additional guides, reports and consultations related to planning

See the Royal Town Planning Institute guidance on the NPPF

In the toolkit see:

Planning Law

Local Planning System

Spatial Planning

Local Development Framework

OR you can use the navigation menu above right to look at other parts of the toolkit.

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created: 2016-05-17 08:17:28 by: admin status: f published