Tree Preservation Orders

Trees and groups of trees can be protected by order of the local council…

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Trees and groups of trees can be protected by order of the local council...

In more detail

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) are made by the local council.  They can apply to specific individual trees, groups of trees or woodlands which are considered to be an amenity to a local area.

A TPO prohibits the wilful destruction of trees and damage to them.  It means the local council has to give its consent before any cutting down, topping, lopping, damaging of roots and uprooting of trees can be done.

Owners of protected trees must not carry out, or cause or permit the carrying out of, any of the prohibited activities without the written consent of the council. It is a criminal offence to carry out works to legally protected trees witghout council permission.  The owners of protected trees, however, are responsible for maintaining trees safely and may use this duty as a reason for carrying out work on them without permission.

In making a Tree Preservation Order, your local council takes into account factors like:

  • size and form of the tree(s)
  • future potential as an amenity
  • rarity, cultural or historic value
  • contribution to, and relationship with, the landscape, and
  • contribution to the character or appearance of a conservation area.

The council should be able to tell you which trees are subject to TPOs and some now produce this information on line in map form.  Community groups can produce their own map or list of pretected trees in theitr neighbourhood and let their owners know that local people are aware they are protected.

Key Facts:

Your local council can protect trees by issuing a tree preservation order.  It is an offence to damage or destroy a protected tree without permission from the council.  Tree-owners, however, can find loopholes to get round the need for permission.  Community groups can identify protected trees in the neighbourhood and let land owners know that local people are aware which trees are protected.

Page Links from here

The government's guide to tree protection procedures is available to download as a PDF

Local Planning System

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BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOLKIT DEFINITION SHEET This sheet may be reproduced in paper or electromic or any other form but please mention it was made by Chamberlain Forum Limited for Birmingham City Council supported by Department for Communities and Local Government.

created: 2016-07-02 13:05:46 by: admin status: f published