
A national body that aims to support the use of travel by foot, bike and public transport to make everyday journeys…

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A national body that aims to support the use of travel by foot, bike and public transport to make everyday journeys...

In more detail

Sustrans is a charity that aims to enable people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the everyday journeys they make.  The group began – as Cyclebag – in the late 1970s and was closely associated with the development of the National Cycle network, which was a National Lottery Millennium Project.

Sustrans works with local council, employers, developers, communities and others to reduce car use; create better streets and routes; enable safer and more sustainable transport; and to cut carbon emissions.  The group works in neighbourhoods, workplaces and schools and colleges.  As well as contracting for work in localities, Sustrans supports volunteers, organises campaigns and produces research which anyone looking to bring about better places to live and work could find useful.

Key Facts:

Sustrans is a charity set up to promote and enabole the use of sustainable forms of transport.  Its background is in cycling and its Millennium Project was the construction of a national cycle network.  Sustrans runs local projects and national campaigns.

Page Links from here

Sustrans head office is at 2 Cathedral Square,College Green,Bristol  BS1 5DD

Tel: 0117 926 8893

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