
Planning means taking an objective approach to improving something – for example a place. It is an ongoing process, based on evidence…

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Planning means taking an objective approach to improving something - for example a place. It is an ongoing process, based on evidence...

In more detail

Often we use it specifically to refer to the process by which local councils licence the development of land and buildings.  Whether you think of planning in the wide sense (an objective approach to improving anything), or specifically (an objective approach to developing a place), it makes no sense to imagine the process ends by publishing a plan.

Objective Approach

Planning is an objective approach.  It involves surveying what resources you have; considering alternative ways of using them; looking at opportunities and threats; and agreeing objectives (things you want to achieve) in a rational way.  That is, a way that makes sense and is based on evidence, rather than prejudice and hearsay.

Life Cycle

In whatever sense you use the word, planning means the process of developing and using a plan throughout its life cycle.  That includes:

  • drafting a plan
  • completing and agreeing it
  • using in practice
  • reviewing it and revising it or making a new plan.

In this way, planning is an ongoing process.  It doesn’t start and stop when a plan is made.

Key Facts:

Planning is a rational approach to making something better.  Specifically, planning means the process local councils lead that aims to make better places to live and work.

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BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOLKIT DEFINITION SHEET This sheet may be reproduced in paper or electromic or any other form but please mention it was made by Chamberlain Forum Limited for Birmingham City Council supported by Department for Communities and Local Government.

created: 2016-06-09 14:16:54 by: admin status: f published