Local Development Framework

The policies and rules set out by your local council which help them to decide how to deal with development proposals. Neighbourhood plans (led by the community) and local plans (led by the council) form part of the framework alongside other higher level documents.

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The policies and rules set out by your local council which help them to decide how to deal with development proposals. Neighbourhood plans (led by the community) and local plans (led by the council) form part of the framework alongside other higher level documents.

In more detail

The Local Development Framework is the spatial planning strategy for a council area.  It describes how the area can be developed and the restrictions on development and explains why they exist.  The local development framework is made up of:

  • the local core development strategy - which is related to the overall strategy of the council for developing the whole area it sovers
  • local development documents - which are high level plans which might cover several neighbourhoods
  • a statement of community involvement - describes how communities can be involved in shaping the framework
  • local development scheme - lists the schedule
  • annual monitoring reports

And may also include:

  • supplementary planning documents (SPDs - these include local plans and neighbourhood plans)
  • local development orders (these include community-led development orders as well as those declared by the council)
  • details of any simplified planning zones.

Plans are hierarchical.  The Local Development Framework in your area MUST fit inside the terms of the National Planning Policy Framework.  Supplementary Planning Documents - including neighbourhood plans - MUST fit within the terms of the Local Planning Framework.

The video above is an explanation of the Local Development Framework by Ron Tate of the Royal Town Planning Institute

Key Facts:

The Local Development Framework is the spatial planning strategy for your area.  It consists of a number of documents which you can find online and/or by contacting your council planning department.  The Local Planning Framework includes policy that any neighbourhood plan for your area must fit in with.  In turn, it must comply with the terms of the National Planning Policy Framewprk set by government.

Page Links from here

In this toolkit see:

Spatial Planning

Local Planning System

National Planning Policy Framework

Local Plans

Neighbourhood Plans


OR you can use the navigation menu above right to look at other parts of the toolkit.

BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOLKIT DEFINITION SHEET This sheet may be reproduced in paper or electromic or any other form but please mention it was made by Chamberlain Forum Limited for Birmingham City Council supported by Department for Communities and Local Government.

created: 2016-07-11 15:43:05 by: admin status: f published