In more detail
Hyperlocal refers to information, exchange or business that is focused on a (small) well-defined community and that is directed to meeting the needs of that community. For example:
- hyperlocal media - is the means for exchanging news and information within a neighbourhood which is about the neighbourhood
- hyperlocal marketing - is placing goods and services for sale in a neighbourhood which are of the neighbourhood and tailored to it.
Hyperlocal Websites
Hyperlocal websites are neighbourhood websites. Which is to say that they are websites which are written by people in a neighbourhood about what happens in that neighbourhood for people who also live in the neighbourhood. The news is written by people who are also, in a sense, part of making the news. Which can make hyperlocal sites very absorbing: as well as reporting on news, they lead to more happening in the neighbourhood.
Secondary audiences
Although the primary audience for a hyperlocal site is the people who live in the place it relates to, there are important secondary audiences. They include: people who serve the neighbourhood from outside it; investors and potential investors in the neighbourhood; people who live in neighbouring places and people who might want to live in the neighbourhood. In all cases, a successful hyperlocal website can attract people and investment to the area.
Spread of hyperlocal sites
A Cardiff University survey listed about 400 hyperlocal sites. The main content covered is community activities, public services and the local council. A surprising 1 in 10 of internet users use hyperlocal sites at least once a week. About 1 in 8 sites generate more than £500 a week (mainly through advertising), but most are self-funded. Other surveys have found very many more sites with particular concentrations in London, Birmingham and Leeds. Some hyperlocal sites are well established, but all depend on the enthusiasm of local volunteers and some can be short-lived.
Key Facts:
Hyperlocal means focused on a community and being of the same community. A hyperlocal website is written by the community about the community. It can increase the level of community activity and improve the local community network. Hyperlocal sites can also attract interest and investement in the neighbourhood from outside. |
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BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOLKIT DEFINITION SHEET This sheet may be reproduced in paper or electromic or any other form but please mention it was made by Chamberlain Forum Limited for Birmingham City Council supported by Department for Communities and Local Government.
created: 2016-07-16 13:04:03 | by: admin | status: f published |