
Devolution in Scotland and Wales means more powers for national Parliaments and Assemblies, but what does it mean for English towns and cities? And for the neighbourhoods we live in…

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Devolution in Scotland and Wales means more powers for national Parliaments and Assemblies, but what does it mean for English towns and cities? And for the neighbourhoods we live in...

In more detail

Devolution means passing decisions, powers and resources down to a lower, more local level.  It can apply at:

  • national level – passing decisions and budgets from Whitehall to regional and city-regional levels
  • local level – passing decisions and budgets from the Town or City Hall to neighbourhoods.

National level

In England, the government has devolved powers to the Mayor of London and is in the process of devolution to Combined Authorities centred on Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Sheffield and elsewhere.  Combined authorities cover a number of existing local councils which are committed  to work together in return for devolution of budgets and responsibilities from government.  It is likely that Combined Authorities will be led by directly elected mayors.  The video below is of an Institute for Government discussion of the likely effect and challenges of devolution in respect of public services (this quite a long video).

Local level

A number of local councils, including Leeds and Birmingham, have devolved powers to area commitees.  These committees are made up by councillors - they have been elected and are accountable for their decisions.  Local committees, however, enable them to make decisions about the areas they represent.  Alternative ways of local devolution in cities could include local directly elected mayors for neighbourhoods or setting up local parish councils in some neighbourhoods.  The video below is from The Guardian newspaper - it features Councillor Simche Steinberger who is a councillor in LB Hackney, talking about how he hopes planning devolution can bring communities together.



Key Facts:

Devolution means making decisions at a mroe local level.  It can apply at national level and at city level.  It does not mean handing over power and responsibility for spending public money to people who are not democratically accountable. 

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