Community Right to Build Orders

If your community organisation wants to develop community land and buildings itself, then a Community Right to Build Order can enable planning permission for it on a particular site…

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If your community organisation wants to develop community land and buildings itself, then a Community Right to Build Order can enable planning permission for it on a particular site...

In more detail

A Community Right to Build Order (CRTBO) is a special type of Neighbourhood Development Order which can be created by any local community organisation (not just a body which qualifies to lead neighbourhood planning under the Localism Act 2011) as long as it meets certain criteria (see below).


You can use a CRTBO to give outline or full planning permission for the development of things like a community centre, shops, businesses, affordable housing for rent or sale, community facilities or playgrounds to be built by the community organisation and not for private profit.  CRTBOs are intended to enable small scale developments that would not need an Environmental Impact Assessment.  That means there are certain sites as well as certain types of development that cannot be subject of a CRTBO.

The video below is by Locality and presents Community Right to Build Orders:


A local community organisation must have at least half of its members living in a neighbourhood area to be eligible to propose a CRTBO in that neighbourhood.  The objectives of the organisation must be in line with improving the economic, environmental and social well-being of the area in question.  Any profit made as a result of a CRTBO must be used for the good of the whole community or a community within the neighbourhood, not for private gain.

Apart from the originating body, a CRTBO is processed in the same way as a Neighbourhood Development Order, including the need for a public referendum.  It could be that it is quicker for your group to get planning permission for the development in the usual way rather than using a CRTBO.

Key Facts:

A Community Right To Build Order (CRTBO) is a way of community organisations securing full or outline planning permission for developing a particular site.  It only applies to locally based organisations and is simply a way of securing permission to develop land and buildings.  Organisations should consider the alternatives to see what advantage a CRTBO might give them.

Page Links from here

The CPRE guide to Community Right to Build Orders

The Planning Advisory Service's guide for councils on CRTBOs

In the toolkit see:

Local Development Orders

Neighbourhood Development Order

OR you can use the navigation menu above right to look at other parts of the toolkit.

BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOLKIT DEFINITION SHEET This sheet may be reproduced in paper or electromic or any other form but please mention it was made by Chamberlain Forum Limited for Birmingham City Council supported by Department for Communities and Local Government.

created: 2016-06-28 10:23:57 by: admin status: f published