Community Cohesion

To what extent do the communities which share a neighbourhood, and therefore an interest in its improvement, have the ability to work and plan together?

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To what extent do the communities which share a neighbourhood, and therefore an interest in its improvement, have the ability to work and plan together?

In more detail

Community cohesion is the extent to which the communities which share a neighbourhood, a city or a country, overlap and have points of common interest.  A neighbourhood has been described, at best, as a ‘community of communities’.   In many neighbourhoods, however, communities may share a physical space... but their members may live separate lives.

The video below presents what a range of people think of community cohesion.  It was made in 2009 and features Hazel Blears who was the Government minister responsible for communities:

Making bridges between communities is one of the most likely ways of improving neighbourhoods.  Remember: communities are not just defined by ethnicity, but by class, age, housing tenure and many other factors and are brought together by many other interests.  The networks you build as part of successful community planning in your neighbourhood are what will make your neighbourhood strong and sustainable.

Key Facts:

Community cohesion is the measure of the extent to which communities which share the same neighbourhood are able to work and plan together to improve it.

Page Links from here

In the toolkit see:

Community Networks and Hubs

Civil Society



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BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOLKIT DEFINITION SHEET This sheet may be reproduced in paper or electromic or any other form but please mention it was made by Chamberlain Forum Limited for Birmingham City Council supported by Department for Communities and Local Government.

created: 2016-06-14 15:28:26 by: admin status: f published