The Prince’s Foundation for Building Community

A charity which aims to help people make communities and neighbourhoods sustainable…

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A charity which aims to help people make communities and neighbourhoods sustainable...

In more detail

The Prince’s Foundation  is an educational charity which aims to help people to take part in making communities and neighbourhoods more sustainable. The Foundation works at all levels – from local residents' groups to governments.  Formerly known as the Institute of Architecture, the Foundation was set up in 1987 by the Prince of Wales.

The Prince’s Foundation pioneered ‘Enquiry by Design’.  This is an approach to community planning based on bringing different experts – including resident experts – together  for a concentrated, and intensive, period of time (several days).  The Foundation provides practical support and funding for skills training and education designed to help professionals and communities, together, to make better places to live.

Video introduced by George Clarke – who is President of the Foundation.

Key Facts:

The Prince's Foundation produces advice and shares inspiration for communities and people with responsibility for neighbourhoods.  The Enquiry by Design approach is a way of doing community planning.

Page Links from here

The Prince's Foundation for Building Community is based at 19-22 Charlotte Road, London, EC2A 3SG

Tel:  020 7613 8500  Email: 

Community Planning

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