In more detail
Living Streets is a charity which promotes and supports walking as an everyday activity by creating safe, attractive and enjoyable streets, where people want to walk. It used to be called the Pedestrians’ Association and was set up in the 1930s. The group has a long history of achievments including helping to write the original Highway Code. It is now probably best known for the national Walk to School campaign. It also runs the Walking Works Campaign, to encourage people to walk some or all of their way to work.
The Walk to School campaign runs National Walk to School week, at the end of May which involves about 2 million schoolchildren each year. Living Streets contracts for work in localities and supports a network of about twenty local volunteer groups mainly in London which are also involved, with schools, in running Walk to School and walk to work activities.
Key Facts:
Living Streets runs Walk to School Week, Walking Works and other campaigns to pormote walking as a safe and healthy way of making local journeys. More than two million schoolchildren take part in Walk to School Week each year. |
Page Links from here
Living Streets office is on the 4th Floor, Universal House, 88-94 Wentworth Street, London E1 7SA email or telephone: 020 7377 4900 or
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