Open Data

Could making data about your place enable people to become better informed about its potential…

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Could making data about your place enable people to become better informed about its potential...

In more detail

Data is small bits of information (could be words or numbers) that on its own looks quite meaningless. When put in a structure (like a table, spreadsheet or a graph, for example) or compared with other bits of data, however, it can be used to make useful information.  ‘Open data’ is data that is stored and made available so that it is easy for anyone to get hold of, share and use to make new and useful information.

Open Data as a duty and an opportunity

Councils and other public bodies have a duty to make data available to others.  In some cases they also have a commitment which stretches beyond their duties.  These duties and commitments are important and communities need to be aware of them, but open data is really more of an opportunity.  This is because you can use open data to build information about the areas, challenges and opportunities they face.  As more open data becomes available, it becomes more possible for communities  to use and combine it to make useful information about the places we live and work.  Those communities that are able to inform themselves and others (including developers, for example) about their neighbourhood will be in a better position to thrive economically and socially.

Key Facts:

Data is the raw material from which information is made.  Open data is data which is stored and structured is such ways as to make it easier to get hold off and to use.  Opening up data relating to your neighbourhood makes it easier for people to become informed about local opportunities and needs and to see how they might fit in constructively.

Page Links from here

The Open Data Institute has devised a 5 Star grade system to show how open data is


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BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOLKIT DEFINITION SHEET This sheet may be reproduced in paper or electromic or any other form but please mention it was made by Chamberlain Forum Limited for Birmingham City Council supported by Department for Communities and Local Government.

created: 2016-06-29 12:13:03 by: admin status: f published