Neighbourhood Planning and Infrastructure Bill

Government wants to see a million new homes built – and to protect green belt and other areas that communities agree should be preserved…

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Government wants to see a million new homes built - and to protect green belt and other areas that communities agree should be preserved...

In more detail

This Bill was announced in the Queen’s Speech to Parliament in May 2016.  Government says it will give local communities more power and control to shape their area in order to ‘build more houses and give everyone who works hard the chance to buy their own home.’   Its purpose is to enable the building of a million new homes at the same time as protecting green belt and other areas that communities want to protect.

Key measures in the Bill will:

  • streamline the process for neighbourhood planning
  • ensure greater consistency in the way local authorities support and oversee the production of neighbourhood plans
  • reform and speed up the planning process
  • simplify the compulsory purchase order process
  • provide a statutory basis for the National Infrastructure Commission to manage strategic infrastructure development
  • privatise the Land Registry.

Key Facts:

The Neighbourhood Planning and Infrastructure Bill should become law in 2017.  The Bill will streamline the process for neighbourhood planning and bring in other reforms designed to make it easier to build new housing.  

Page Links from here

The RTPI briefing on the Neighbourhood Planning and Infrastructure Bill 

Track the progress of the Bill at the UK Parliament website and see a PDF of the notes on the Bill

Neighbourhood Planning

Planning Law

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BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY PLANNING TOOLKIT DEFINITION SHEET This sheet may be reproduced in paper or electromic or any other form but please mention it was made by Chamberlain Forum Limited for Birmingham City Council supported by Department for Communities and Local Government.

created: 2016-06-10 13:02:45 by: admin status: f published