Local Transport Plans

Transport is a key issue affecting neighbourhoods; neighbourhood plans can influence a range of transport issues. There are, however, other ways of influencing issues like parking, cycling and traffic management both at strategic and neighbourhood level.

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Transport is a key issue affecting neighbourhoods; neighbourhood plans can influence a range of transport issues. There are, however, other ways of influencing issues like parking, cycling and traffic management both at strategic and neighbourhood level.

In more detail

Neighbourhood plans enable communities to influence those aspects of local transport issues that relate to how local land is developed.  For example, plans can (given sufficient evidence and so long as what they say is in line with existing local and national policies):

  • set out the requirement for new roads to support development
  • earmark sites to encourage ‘modal shift’ away from car use to public transport, walking and cycling
  • set out measures to tackle the challenges identified in the local transport plan which might include: accessibility; cycleways and footpaths; parking; street traffic and signage.

There are other ways of influencing local transport plans however other than through making a neighbourhood plan.

Who is responsible for what?

There are a number of different types of authority with responsibilities relating to transport:

  • Highways authorities are responsible for the upkeep of roads including things like potholes,re-surfacing works and .
  • Traffic authorities are responsible for the way they are used – including things like speed restrictions, parking, road closures and re-design and traffic calming measures.
  • Strategic transport authorities are responsible for producing local transport plans for their area.

The table below summarises who acts as the Local Highway Authority and Local Traffic Authority; and the Strategic Transport Authority in Metropolitan Areas (West Midlands, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Tyne & Wear, West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire), London and the rest of England:

Metropolitan Areas London Rest of England
Highways authority for the local road network City and borough councils


London boroughs Unitary or County councils
Traffic authority for the local road network City and borough councils


London boroughs Unitary or county councils
Strategic transport authority Combined Authorities


Mayor of London Unitary or county councils/ Combined authorities


Local councils are only responsible for the maintenance and use of the local road network – which does not include motorways and major trunk roads.  The table below shows who is the Highway and Traffic Authority in respect of the strategic road network (motorways and major trunk roads) in the Metropolitan Areas, London and the rest of England:

Metropolitan Areas London Rest of England
Highways and traffic authority for the strategic road network Highways England Transport for London Highways England

Local Transport Plans and Consultation

The first thing to say about local transport plans is that they are not very local.  Strategic transport authorities are required to produce them under the terms of the Transport Act 2000 updated by the Local Transport Act 2008. As you can see from the table above, the strategic transport authority is either the Combined Authority (covering several million people), the Mayor of London (serving eight million people) or – outside the metropolitan areas and London - the county  or unitary council.

LTPs contain an assessment of the transport needs of the area and sets of proposals for improvement including short term and long term (15-20 years) measures.  In general Local Transport Plans: set out the current position with regard to transport, accessibility and pollution in the area; identify targets for improvement; set out the programme for achieving these objectives.   This may be split between separate strategy and implementation plans.

LTPs are not neighbourhood level plans but they set the strategic framework within which more local transport plans can be formed.  A local transport plan can be a 'material consideration' in determining a planning application.  You can find the most recent version online: they were originally to be revised every 5 years, but strategic transport authorities may now produce them as and when they see fit.

The over-arching aims for LTPs are set by government.  They include: supporting economic growth; cutting carbon emissions; contributing to safety, security and health; and improving quality of life and the local environment.  Local Transport Plans contain an Environmental Assessment which looks at the impact of what is proposed on the environment.

LTPs are subject to public consultation.  Groups that must be consulted include public transport user groups, bus and train operators and groups having a special interest, eg disability groups and environmental groups.


The video above is by Bristol Green Capital Partnership - an independent partnership which promotes sustainable transport in Bristol.  In the video, Liz Zeidler suggests how transport planning could improve her city.  The video is part of a series produced by the partnership to promote Bristol's Good Transport Plan.

Key Facts:

Local Transport Plans (LTPs) are strategic documents which set out how transport will develop in your city or region over the next 15-20 years.  Neighbourhood plans can address local transport and traffic issues but they must fit in with the strategic objectives set out in the LTP.  The local authority must consult before producing an LTP.

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