Let’s Make Better Places to Live?


Hopefully you’re here because you’re interested in what communities can do to make better places to live… you may have heard of neighbourhood planning?  It is a way that communities in England can make a local plan which has to be taken into account when the council looks at proposals for development in the area.  It was one of the rights given to communities by the Localism Act in 2011.

Birmingham communities have been leading local planning since before the Localism Act.  We found that neighbourhood planning works best when it goes hand-in-hand with wider community planning. So this is a toolkit for putting together neighbourhood planning (to do with how local land will be developed) and wider community planning.  That includes how a place is served, managed and promoted and how different communities who live in a place get on, as well as future development.


Waheed Nazir, Strategic Director for Economy at Birmingham City Council.

Ways of finding your way round the toolkit include:

  • follow the flowchart, which takes you through things communities can do and directs you to the bit of toolkit that can help
  • look at ‘Getting Started’ at the top of the page
  • use the Search box below if you know what you are interested in and want to see if there’s anything about it in the toolkit; click on a topic that looks interesting; or look at one of the sections:


Community Planning  Local Business  Local Public Services  Council Powers  Planning System  Local Plans   Neighbourhood Planning

See also Ward Explorer   which is a tool developed by Moseley Community Development Trust and New Union to help communities gather and share relevant data needed in community and neighbourhood planning.

Search the toolkit


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